Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tellman Knudson

Tellman’s Bio

href=""> style="border: 0px solid ;" alt="Tellman Knudson"
src=""> Tellman Knudson, 33, is a successful internet marketing entrepreneur, CEO of an Internet Publishing Company and a runner. Tellman Knudson Knudson is the CEO and founder of Overcome Everything, Inc., ListCrusade, ListBuildingClub and several other companies. Tellman Knudson is a master of increasing customer responsiveness and loyalty. With just one of his 30,000 person lists; Tellman masterminded over $800,000 in sales in less than 12 months.

Tellman Knudson is well-known for his incredible response rates, with 50-79% opt-in rates, 70% TAF conversion, and regularly overfilling his teleseminars with 2000+ registrants.

Tellman Knudson learned to leverage his ADHD, a condition that hinders many, to his creative and financial benefit. Tellman Knudson Knudson has even been CEO of a busy hypno-therapy practice. Tellman’s company is Overcome Everything, Inc. also includes sites in the ADHD niche: InstantADDSuccess, ADDGold, and ADHDWebsites.
Tellman Knudson lives and works in Brattleboro, Vermont, USA and is now married. He is married to his long-time partner, Jodi Meehan, and has a toddler son, Torger.

Tellman’s Childhood

Tellman Knudson began his life in New Hampshire. Tellman’s childhood was not easy. In spite of all odds, he overcame everything including physical disabilities and became the Internet success story that he is today.

Tellman Knudson’s life is very inspirational. Tellman shows that you can reach for your dreams and make it happen in spite of personal disadvantage.

Tellman Knudson had two disabilities; he was diagnosed with ADHD and femoral antiversion; a rare bone deformity in his leg that made simple walking difficult and that prevented him from participating in sports at the top level. While these deformities made Tellman’s childhood very challenging and thorny, these did not stop him from achieving his full potential. A disability can be a hindrance not only to success, but even to a normal life if overcomed, just like Tellman did.

Tellman learned to control and actually make the most of his disabilites. Tellman Knudson overcome femoral antiversion by strengthening his leg muscles without invasive surgery. After overcoming this condition, Tellman Knudson dedicated his high school years to running, competing in cross country events and running 7 miles to and from school each day. Tellman Knudson went on to set records in his school and competed for the state title.

After high school at Mascoma Valley Regional High in West Canaan, New Hampshire, he attended Marlboro College in Vermont, where he majored in Altered States of Awareness, Brain Waves, and Peak Performance.

Tellman Knudson’s Companies

Tellman Knudson started his first business during his college days in the Marlboro College in Vermont, involving salsa and all its aspects from making, selling, packaging, and shipping his own salsa. Unfortunately the salsa business did not produced the income desired by Tellman Knudson, forcing hi m to look for other business alternatives that eventually made him a marketing guru.

Tellman Knudson then he concentrated on becoming certified in hypnotherapy and neurolinguistic programming. Tellman then went on to help people with disabilities and problems involving weight, learning and habits that they wanted to solve; including even his own disability: ADHD. But even with eight offices in New Hampshire at one time, this did not translate to the income capacity Tellman desired, so he worked as a bread truck driver.

Tellman Knudson hit it big in late 2004 with his “List Crusade” program. While sitting alone with his antiquated computer in a small apartment, Tellman devised a plan that would launch his Internet fame and fortune. Tellman Knudson set on a mission to build a one million subscriber list in just one year. He wrote to some of the biggest names and personalities on the Internet—Jay Abraham, Dr. Joe Vitale, Robert Allen, T. Harv Eker, Mark Joyner, and others—asking for interviews. Tellman’s new program was called List Crusade, owing to the fact that he was on a mission to build a list of 1,000,000 subscribers within one year. Tellman did remarkably well, and his career as an Internet marketing expert was launched.

Tellman Knudson is also the founder and CEO of Overcome Everything, Inc. and in addition to ListCrusade and ADHDSecrets, InstantADDSuccess, ADHDWebsites Blog, ADDGold. Tellman’s online businesses also include MyFirstList, MyFirstEmails, the ViralMarketingChemistrySet, and the PerpetualMarketingMachine, among others. In 2006, he also began his one-on-one coaching program, the Black Diamond Line, which is closed to only 100 qualified clients.

Aside from his “Black Diamond Line” one-on-one coaching program, Tellman Knudson has a lot of successful Internet business projects under his name that include Overcome Everything, Inc., ADHDSecrets, ListCrusade and a lot more. Tellman’s specialty is increasing the loyalty and responsiveness of your customers as proven by the more than $800,000 sales figure he achieved in less than a year.

Additionally to the companies mentioned above, Tellman is also director of The Jay Abraham Digital Project and mastermind of the famous “Marketer’s Deathmatch.”

Tellman Overcomes AD/HD and Makes It A Success

Instant ADD Success is a membership site created by Tellman Knudson Knudson with a comprehensive array of information that focuses on the beauty of having ADD. Learn your strengths.

"I'm proud of my million-dollar ADD brain - and I'll show you exactly why you should be proud of yours..." -Tellman Knudson

Tellman Knudson beliefs that his ADD was a gift, rather than a disadvantage and he has developed the tools to help you achieve everything you want from life in this program.

The focus of the Instant ADD Success program is the positive aspects of ADD and ADHD, not the negative. AD/HD gives people a very creative, fast-thinking, and problem-solving brain. In fact, some scientists think that the AD/HD brain is the next evolution, which all humans are moving toward the fast thinking model.

Tellman wants to show you how easily you can use the hidden strengths of your ADD to skyrocket your personal wealth, upgrade your health, create rock-solid relationships, and much more.

As a member of the Instant ADD Success community, member will have exclusive access to a growing library of articles, audio recordings and interviews, videos, forum, and loads of other powerful resources dedicated to making you giving you the tools to be successful in all areas of your life.

This program has no risk. Simply join Tellman’s Instant ADD Success inner circle and get your own "test drive" membership.

However, the linear world that we live in isn't always that easy for people with AD/HD because linear-thinking people just don't get people with AD/HD. Tellman Knudson has created a system that is ADD-friendly to keep things functioning in a linear-world.

Visit ADHDSecrets, InstantADDSuccess, ADHDWebsites Blog or ADDGold for more information on AD/HD, to sign up for a free weekly ADD Success Tips newsletter, and to learn how to make AD/HD work for you, rather than against you; just like Tellman Knudson did.

Tellman’s Easy Traffic Success

Tellman Knudsen’s lists are deemed effective because he is popular for getting 50 to 79% opt-in rates. Just recently, Tellman revealed his 17 traffic secrets, although the 17th has remained a secret. Tellman’s advice was to choose one form of traffic and only move on to another form once you have mastered the previous one. One such form is search engine optimization, which can bring a lot of traffic to your site and increase your ratings too.

Tellman explains how to use all of these traffic strategies once you sign up to Tellman Knudson’s EasyTraffic Steps. This site does not require you to pay anything, but you have to fill in your name and email address. Once you sign up you will have free access to traffic generating secrets that have been proven and tried by this internet marketer guru.

Once you get access to Tellman Knudson Knudson’s Easy Traffic Steps, you get access to 20 proven methods in traffic generation. This is a complete course which will teach you one traffic strategy per week for a total of 20 weeks. The goal of this course is to help everyone, no matter how inexperienced, find ways to drive traffic to their sites and how to convert these into sales.

The year 2006 provided a new direction for Tellman Knudson Knudson and his wife and business partner, Jodie Meehan, who became parents for the first time.

Tellman Knudson: A Philanthropist

Tellman works with non-profit organizations to help others in distress. Among his many efforts to help others; one of Tellman’s most popular ventures is the one with Virgin Unite to help prevent teen suicide. Another one of Tellman Knudson’s popular philanthropic efforts is Run
Tellman Run. About RunTellmanRun:

Tellman Knudson will be the first person to run across America barefoot. Tellman began his 3,200+ mile journey in Battery Park, New York on September 9 and heads west, running the equivalent of one marathon a day. The route follows historic Route 66 for much of the way, finishing on the pier in Santa Monica, California.

Tellman Knudson is keeping detailed records, photos and video as part of a "Longest Barefoot Journey" attempt in the Guinness Book of World Records.

Tellman Knudson is running barefoot from New York to Los Angeles to raise $100,000,000 for homeless youth. Tellman Knudson is plodding his way southwest through the Ohio River Valley, with an ultimate goal of reaching the Santa Monica pier in Los Angeles in mid-winter.

Favorite Quotes & Thoughts from Tellman Knudson

When your life is over, when everything is done, do you just want to have made some money, or do you want to have made something happen?

Asking questions is a tremendously powerful thing. You always want to ask advice from people who are smarter than you and people who have done what you’re trying to do, or at least something that’s like what you’re trying to do. The whole point here is get an idea and ask lots of questions. It will generate more ideas, but make sure you’re asking questions to people who know what they’re talking about.

When you implement, start to finish, a single idea it is 1,000 times more beneficial than having 100 brilliant ideas that are better and never finishing any of them. Implementing, going through all the steps of putting a crappy idea into practice, is exponentially more valuable than having 100 million dollar ideas.

The point here is to never, ever, ever use ADD as an excuse for why your life stinks, whether it’s in your head or the words coming out of your mouth. Don’t even infer it. Whether or not ADD is an affliction is beside the point. You’re destroying your self-image and when you destroy your self-image, you destroy your ability to accomplish anything of consequence, especially maintaining a powerful, strong, unique, and progressive relationship with someone.